Local Stories: How a Haircut Changed a Homeless Man’s Life
30 June 2021
Pete, Brick Lane tour guide
I watched a lot of videos to combat boredom during lockdown and I came across this amazing video of a homeless man having his hair cut. Now, you’re probably thinking “What’s so amazing about that?” Well, as the man is having a haircut and shave, captions tell the story of how he gave a passer-by […]
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Pete on Life as an Unseen Tours Guide
26 June 2021
Pete, Brick Lane tour guide
I am often asked about how I first became involved with Unseen Tours and my answer is pretty peculiar. While I was homeless and squatting around the Brick Lane area, I had a job selling hats every weekend on Brick Lane market. All the time there would be groups of people going up and down […]
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