Predictions come true
- 11 February 2021
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Sooooooooooooo… if you looked at my review of 2020 then you probably think that you’ll be able to bet what’s coming up… luckily I’m not a betting man though!
It’s my birthday this month, but like Liz Taylor and Mae West said, I’m forever 21 years old. That’s even if the world makes it to my birthday on the 25th January! Five days after the end of the “free world” (Trump joke there!) is my Earthday… so that gives me a lil’ bit of comedic licence.
I’m no Nostradamus but… let’s look into the future.
Pop quiz: did you realise that Mad Max is based in 2021? oops! After a world pandemic made the human race competitors… so get ready! When the furlough was announced to go until March I told ALL my friends that “We’re in lockdown till March” and guess what? See you in March…
On a brighter note… erm… oh yes! IT’S NEARLY SUMMER! Though to backtrack a little, there’s rumours abound that lockdown 3.0 is going to be in place until May, June or even July! We’re half-way through the year… Time flies when you’re having… well, you know.
What’s the point of this little essay? I hear you ask. Well, let’s get back to basics. I love my job! It feels like I was born to be a tour guide and ‘teach’ people about things I have experienced and the area I’ve called home for almost 15 years. When I say home I mean it, even though for the majority of those 15 years I’ve either slept in parks or squatted in unused buildings.
Looking back over those years, it really feels that these experiences were preparing me for doing the job I love. Along with making very close friends whilst having unbelievable adventures around my beloved Brick Lane. I’ve met and had adventures with other homeless people, with street artists, my favourite being Stik, and nursed a vast amount of knowledge on my chosen subject… the aforementioned Brick Lane. Maybe I’ll apply for Mastermind!
The future? HHHHMMMM… All I can hope for is a return to work as soon as humanly (I nearly wrote humanely there, though that term would be just as fitting) possible, though not just for the cash, but for the human interactions and the feeling that I’m imparting what I’ve learned to people who are interested in what I have to impart, and as an extension of this, give me their thoughts and feelings so we can have a conversation on how to fix the issues I talk about on my tour.
You see… that’s the other thing I love about my job, maybe one day because of my and other homeless peoples experiences, maybe someone will actually see what needs to be done about it and inspire people to actually do the things that are needed.
Soooooo… please remember that through all this pain and misery, there is always something better coming… namely a tour of my beloved Brick Lane! See ya soon!