Two Homelessness Projects Worth Supporting

Over the last few years of me writing these blogs I have mentioned a few other volunteer-led homelessness organisations, much like Unseen Tours, that have made astounding contributions to people experiencing some of the most difficult and challenging situations that life can throw at a person.

This month I’m going to mention the efforts of another worthy candidate for praise and support – Single Homeless Project (SHP).

SHP work in all 32 of London’s boroughs and provide support to people experiencing homelessness through a few different methods, from winter night shelters and hosting sporting activities, to getting a person help with permanent accommodation.

As someone who has been through the gamut of organisations, it really seems that SHP has a different approach to helping and supporting people who have experienced homelessness, much like we do here at Unseen Tours.

Here’s a photo of Jeremy Corbyn opening the latest SHP-supported housing facility in his constituency earlier this month.

Jeremy Corbyn opened the latest SHP-supported housing facility in his constituency earlier this month.

You may be wondering why I am writing this weighty tome about Single Homeless Project and Unseen Tours. Well, in my opinion, both of these organisations have much in common:

  1. They are both in place to support people facing difficulties due to being homeless
  2. They are both led by dedicated volunteers that give up their time and efforts for free
  3. They are both successful in doing these things and more!

If you browse our website you’ll find our guiding philosophy which is that “we believe in giving our guides a platform and empowering them to tell their own story. In this way, we provide them with paid work, confidence, opportunities to up-skill, and social inclusion. Every aspect of the tours has been co-constructed with the guides themselves, making the Unseen Tours experience a genuine joint venture from the ground up.”

Empowering people who are experiencing, or have experienced, homelessness is a mission that Unseen Tours shares with SHP, and many other organisations, that is so important in this day and age!

As always, thank you for reading and I will see you soon on my Brick Lane tour!
