London Bridge Tour Local Stories

Local Stories: The Story Behind the Hat

On the Unseen Tours website, I am wearing a black rimmed hat. I also bring it with me each time I guide a tour. Well, there’s a story behind this hat.  Between 1998 – 1999 I shared a house with two friends Paul and Andy and I have kept in touch with them ever since. […]

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Local Stories: How a Haircut Changed a Homeless Man’s Life

I watched a lot of videos to combat boredom during lockdown and I came across this amazing video of a homeless man having his hair cut.  Now, you’re probably thinking “What’s so amazing about that?” Well, as the man is having a haircut and shave, captions tell the story of how he gave a passer-by […]

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Unseen Tours Guide David on Hosting A Virtual Pub Quiz

Was Unseen Tours your first pub quiz experience? Actually, I have been to many quiz events and have won at least five prizes as part of a quiz team! In the ’90’s and ’00’s, I also got friends together on a few occasions to co-host quiz nights. The Unseen Tours Not-in-a-Pub Quiz was the first […]

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homeless tour guide london, Pete

Pete on Life as an Unseen Tours Guide

I am often asked about how I first became involved with Unseen Tours and my answer is pretty peculiar. While I was homeless and squatting around the Brick Lane area, I had a job selling hats every weekend on Brick Lane market. All the time there would be groups of people going up and down […]

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soho secrets carlisle house

Soho Secrets: Carlisle House Masked Balls

Hello lovely people, here’s hoping this blog finds you feeling the buzz back on the streets and a busy tube carriage. Is waiting to cross the road still a novelty? Unseen Tours is now open for business but, as expected, it’s a slow start and for me it feels like being zipped back in time […]

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Unknown Facts about May Day, Flags in Celebration

Unknown Facts About May Day

Welcome to Nic’s May blog. The scent of blossoms is in the air, especially following a shower, and as it and lockdown fade into the distance, it’s great to see the streets and tube carriages slowly filling up, and life returning. Though I am wondering if home-working will take on an entirely new meaning. Will […]

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It really is okay to feel okay

Welcome all to Nic’s blog. Snow flurries, sunshine and the cherry trees in bloom along the streets. It’s spring, and freedom…soon. I was talking to my extremely patient former Unseen Tours mentor recently, which brought back memories of how I and Unseen Tours initially got together. Since moving to London in 1997, I became slowly […]

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Unseen Tours and its guides are back with a bang this spring

London walking tours and virtual quizzes, led by individuals who have experienced homelessness  Unseen Tours, a social enterprise which coaches individuals who have experienced homelessness or vulnerable housing to lead London walking tours, has innovated its way through the last 12 months and is ready to return with a bang. The organisation will spring back […]

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See you later, (Not) in a pub

Soooooo we are over a year in lockdown! I hope everyone’s coped well. Me? Coping mechanisms? Well, let’s say issues like self-isolation and boredom have been dealt with (see my previous blogs).  Of course, being a tourism organisation, we couldn’t carry on with our tours when Coronavirus hit (my last tour before lockdown 1.0 was on 3rd […]

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Unseen Tours' Not-in-a-Pub Quiz

Finding connection through our Not-in-a-Pub quizzes

As we head towards the end of March, I see the shorts-wearers have hit the streets, when only a few weeks ago our Trafalgar Square water nymphs were feeling distinctly chilly. Every day in London is an adventure, weather-wise – don’t let gazing out of a window on to a bright, sunny morning fool you! […]

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